Key dates

Term dates 2024/25

We align our term dates as closely as possible with those used by local primary schools.

Session days and times can be found here.

summer term Activities

During PE children learn to take part in group games/exercise and later in the term practice changing from their home clothes to PE clothes. In the Summer Term we ask that your child has a pair of shorts and t-shirt to change into for PE sessions. Pumps are not needed as we take shoes and socks off (please remember to label all clothing and belongings).

Big School Club
During Big School Club your child will learn specific skills, which will help them with the transition to school. In their last term we will arrange visits with their schools. We alternate the days for ‘Big School’ activities.

Change of clothes

We ask that each child keeps a spare change of clothing in their pre-school bag in case of accidents, water spillages etc. We also ask that any items of clothing borrowed from pre-school are returned please.