Our parents & committee

Emmer Green Pre-School is a registered charity and a non-profit making organisation run by a committee of parents.  As a charity, our pre-school depends on the good will of parents and their involvement to keep it in existence and thriving as a key part of the community.

The committee supports the management team and is responsible for running the business side of the pre-school, fundraising, the appointment of staff and policy making. The day-to-day running of the pre-school, activity and curriculum planning are the responsibility of the Supervisor and her team.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place early in the Autumn term at which the committee roles (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) are appointed for the school year.  It is vital that we have parents attend the AGM and to ensure these committee roles are filled in order for the pre-school to continue running.  Committee meetings take place each half term to discuss the smooth-running of the pre-school, any issues that arise and to organise fundraising events.

More information about our committee roles can be found here.

Parent help

If you can’t commit to filling a committee role or attending committee meetings throughout the year, there are many other ways that you can help.  We value your ideas and your help in whatever way you can give it so please do come forward with any opportunities.

We actively encourage all parents to become involved with our pre-school in one way or another, to support your child’s early years setting. You may well develop new friendships and skills yourself through helping out and getting to know other families with children of a similar age. The success and long-term future of Emmer Green Pre-School depends on your support – so please get involved, with your child’s best interests at heart.

We are always grateful for any parent help.  Please talk to one of the Pink Ladies if you’d like to help in any way.

Committee contacts

  • Chair: Liz Arnold
  • Treasurer: Sam Kelsey
  • Secretary: Fahima Ahmed

If you have any queries or want to join the committee please feel free to contact the Chair.
And please remember, our pre-school would close without a committee to run it!