Parent support & information

Emmer Green Pre-School downloads

Emmer Green Pre-School forms for registered children
Please find below useful forms to print and bring into pre-school:

  • Medicine Form – if your child needs to take medicine during the day
  • Holiday Form – if you wish to take your child out of pre-school on holiday
  • Home Incident Form – if your child is injured at home and you wish to notify us

Other useful links and downloads

Our Ofsted registration number is 116826. Our most recent Ofsted inspection gave us a ‘Good’ rating.

  • Click here to see our latest Ofsted report
  • Visit the Ofsted website for more information

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

In Reading, Brighter Futures for Children (on behalf of Reading Borough Council) are responsible for publishing information about services available for children  and young people with SEND, both in and out of the borough, from birth to 25. This is know as the ‘Local Offer’.

The Local Offer is on the Reading Family Information Service which features a vast array of information for Reading’s residents.  You can get straight to the Reading SEND Local Offer section of that website here.

The Local Offer aims to provide you with clear, comprehensive and accessible information about all support and services available, and to make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations.

Contact details: email or call 0118 937 3777 (option 2)

Speech and Language Support

NHS Berkshire Healthcare: Speech and Language Therapy

If you are concerned about your child’s talking, listening or understanding; looking for more information about children’s speech, language and communication or want to talk to a professional, call the NHS Berkshire Healthcare Enquiries Line to get advice from a Speech and Language Therapist: 0118 904 3700

Lines are open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am – 3.30pm. Available for parents/carers of children aged 0-5 years with a Berkshire GP.

You can also visit the Speech and Language UK website

Health & Safety for Early Years info

Food Standards Agency: Early years choking hazards food safety advice

British Nutrition Foundation: Nutrition for Toddlers