Our team

Our staff are a carefully selected team of caring and Level 3 qualified individuals who are responsible for the safety, happiness and learning opportunities of your child while attending pre-school with us.

Wendy with childrenThe staff work hard at interpreting and executing our curriculum in a way that allows your child to develop their confidence and social skills while learning through play. A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents and pre-school staff to work together to help your child feel confident and secure in the group. To support this confidence each child is allocated a dedicated key worker from the staffing team who is responsible for recording their educational growth and acts as a main point of contact.

Staff regularly attend Pre-School Learning Alliance courses and conferences to keep up to date with new ideas on pre-school education, care, development and play. Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Checks (DBS) are obtained for all staff, committee and regular volunteers to ensure their suitability to work with children.

Staff are also required by Social Services to record any concerns they may have regarding a child’s welfare.

Click here for more on: key workers and record keeping

Staff – all qualified Level 3 Childcare Practitioners:
Supervisor – Wendy Robins
Deputy SupervisorHannah Freeborn 
Pre-School Assistants – Stacie Smith, Alison Scobell, Clare Hooker, Melissa Boulton-Smith and Jenny McQuillan

Administrator – Lorraine Browning

Safeguarding Leads:
Our designated Safeguarding Leads are Wendy Robins and Hannah Freeborn